Thursday, May 25, 2006

Barely Saved

No run yesterday = no post. I worked out on the elliptical, biked for 30 mins (had a new Economist I needed to start reading) and then swam 1000m... the plan was to swim further but swimming laps by myself is something I find extremely boring.

Went out for a run this morning with 6 other women. We were trying to get in a 90 minute run. Storms were forecasted but we thought not until a little later. Our biggest weather worry at the time was the intense heat and humidity. About 20 minutes into the run some guy stopped his car to tell us “a big storm with lots of rain is about 20 minutes from here.” We brushed it off—hey we’ve run in the rain before and we had a great route planned. Twenty minutes after the warning we are heading up a huge hill and see these terribly dark clouds and some lightening far away. We started coming up with plans to hide in the community’s clubhouse or call someone to pick us up. It wasn’t too bad yet though so we kept going, thinking the clubhouse would probably be locked and we could make it back to the schools to take shelter. We head through the neighboring community, getting a little lost trying to make our way back, the sky isn’t looking so good right now. Then suddenly it got real bad: wind, thunder, lightening, but still no rain. And then our savior—some lady (who knew someone we were running with) whipped around the corner, stopped, and picked us up. Apparently, she had seen us out earlier and realized we were going to get into trouble. As soon as we got in the car the sky opened up: hail, rain so hard you couldn’t really drive, and lightening all around. Turns out we were about 3 blocks from our house, but I don’t know my way around the neighboring community and probably would’ve gotten us lost L. Too bad the run was cut short, I felt great! No maps today—the satellites didn’t work too well once the clouds started descending on us.

I might try swimming some more this afternoon.


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll only start respecting your "workouts" once you start incorporating batting practice into them.


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