Sunday, May 28, 2006

This may surprise those that know me well...

but I am very competitive. Ran this early this morning (I think it is really only 5.8 miles). I passed some guy right around mile 2.5 and the look on his face was shouting: "she doesn't know what the next mile holds." Then he fell in right behind me and proceeded to breath down my neck the whole way up the hill you can see around mile 3 in that map. Ridiculous hill, ridiculous man, ridiculous pace he "made" me hold. We get to the top, me first of course (oh mom you would have been so proud), and he stops to "stretch" and says "thanks for pushing me up that hill." Grr, I felt like crap and still had a ways to go but I took a chug of water and hoped he wasn't making the turn I was making. Apparently, he did but he was scared enough by my pace and tired enough from chasing me that his "stretch" and descent took a while. He was a good 5+ minutes behind me at the finish. Of course, I had to go run the stairs once while he was finishing his run just to prove that I wasn't even tired from the run. Now that I have set a new PR on this course (just under 53 minutes but it was the first time I wore a watch ;)), I can compete against myself next time.

No run yesterday, just some hiking.


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