Sunday, June 25, 2006

Blah Sunday

No running today. I hope to get in a good elliptical workout and perhaps some more bike reading later but first I really need to get back to work. I have pretty much spent the past 2 hours procrastinating and I actually like this work. I think I really need a morning run to get me going.

I ran 40.2 miles this week (Sunday-Saturday). Not quite the 42 I was shooting for but I am pretty pleased. I also signed up for the Firecracker 5K (and signed up all of our houseguests as well). This is going to be a busy week for me so I am not sure what will happen with running. Tomorrow I have a full day of meetings and a research call and then Tuesday morning I will run with the girls before heading to the airport to go to Florida. I am just tagging along on Mr. DoubleU’s business trip which is actually to my motherland. I thought mom and dad were going to be out of town but it appears that dad will make an appearance for dinner Tuesday. Wednesday I will get to see my “oldest” friend too which is exciting. Hopefully I will also get in some good running, beach time, and finish this research project while we are there. We’ll come back Friday and then we are welcoming a house and a half full of guests who are rotating through for the following week. I almost wonder if people come to visit so they can see if TN is really as scary as it sounds. Oh and our house is right on the park where they have the big Fourth of July festivities so we are throwing a party in the middle of this. A little bit of fun and excitement for me as I ponder what to with my overeducated and underutilized self.

Time for a Diet Mountain Dew (DMD) which closely trails Propel in the favorite fluids list.


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a great trip and keep up with your running.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger mouse said...

great job on the milage! I, too, had an incredibly "blah sunday," so you're not alone.


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