Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back to the Humidity

The past two days have reminded me of the differences between the home I left (CA) and the place I now call home (TN). It has been so HUMID. I am usually a non-sweater (or rather just a salter) but that was certainly not the case this morning.

Yesterday I didn't get out of the house until too late as I was still feeling the effects of my illness from Sunday. I only got in 5 miles and I had to stop a few times to drink and get my heartrate back down. This morning I ran 6 miles with the girls and it felt pretty good but I am sure it would've been better if we had left before 8:30. Time was just under 52 minutes which was decent given the heat. I also did it without drinking which I like to do when it is 6 miles or less but I think I need to rethink that philosophy (and as you can see from Monday's run I am not consistent). I am hoping to get in a 10+ mile run tomorrow morning.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Nice run! I'll take 6 miles in 52 minutes any day.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Michele said...

I'll trade you my 57 minute 6 miles for your 52!!!

Good luck with the ong run tomorrow.


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